I didn't receive my daily lesson.

Don't forget that you can access your latest lessons or corrections directly from your User Space at any time.

Possible reasons for a missing lesson/correction:

  • Check if our servers are up and running using our status page.
  • Have you checked your junk emails or Spam folder?

Our lessons are sometimes filtered as SPAM, so you may need to check your junk mail or SPAM folder. Please note that your lesson may also be in your 'Promotions' tab if you're using Gmail. In addition, feel free to add the email address we usually send your lessons from to a safe list or address book.

  • Make sure that your reception days are correct.

In your User Space ("Settings" > "Lesson Settings" tab), you have the option of choosing the reception days for your lessons (PREMIUM and GOLD offers). Make sure that the desired reception days are properly selected!

  • Make sure you're not on "vacation".

You have the option of suspending your lessons during the period of your choice (vacation or planned absences for example). If you haven't received a lesson, double check your holidays' settings in your User Space ("Settings" > "Lesson Settings" tab). Also, please enjoy your vacation!

  • Make sure you reply to your daily lesson before midnight.

Our software sends lessons to our users beginning at midnight. If you haven't replied to your lesson by that time, we consider it to be unanswered and we will not be able to send you a new one the following day!

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